The last day

1:33 AM

As a chronic journaler, important life landmarks are always a conundrum. Too much going on and too little time to document it.

Thursday was my final day of work as the director of a non-profit organization I helped start three years ago to revitalize historic downtown Laurel, Miss. On paper, three years doesn't seem that long--it's not even a college career. But I gave that position my all, sometimes as the cost of my happiness, and certainly my health and sanity. Overall, the experience was terribly rewarding. I've been looking forward to my final day for some time now because of what it symbolizes for me: the close of a long, arduous chapter in my life that will shape me forever.

I got a chance to have one last lunch with a few of my favorite folks and returned to my office to find this beautiful arrangement from my former boss Eric Roberts.


As I made my last ever 45-minute commute home, scenes from the past three years began to play out in my head like an old slideshow. And the bittersweetness that comes with any major life change suddenly hit me.

Ribbon cutting event for our program office in 2008 

Best Special Event award for 2009 Loblolly Festival

Cruisin' Main Street Car Show last June

I'll be leaving behind a lot in that town--some great friends, two incredibly supportive former bosses, excellent resources, and who knows exactly what else. Of course, the friends I will be taking with me, but professionally,  I'll be starting over.

I'm thrilled to start my new position working for another revitalization program this time in the town I now live in and have loved for the past 9 years. My first day is Tuesday. I expected to be at least a little nervous about the transition, but honestly it feels like the most natural move ever.

I consider this 4-day weekend of unemployment my last hurrah to do whatever I feel like, gosh! So what did I do? Friday I had a spa appointment at Eden followed by a 4-hour calzone and pizza lunch with my former office neighbor and dear friend Bill Holloway. How very Italian of us. Of course, I couldn't miss Live at Five, one of the last concerts in the spring series downtown. Stayed out a little too late that night, which made it tough to get up, but did not stop Davis and I from tackling a massive two-room paint job at the apartment. We worked from 8 a.m. to well after 5 p.m. With some serious elbow grease, my dressing room/office improvement project is that much closer to completion. 

With so much productivity yesterday, I don't feel so bad about sitting around doing as little as possible today. I bet tomorrow I won't be so fortunate.

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  • Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm
  • Disrupted by Dan Lyons
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill


All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. - Mark Twain