Resolve '14

10:20 PM

Oh gosh, it's almost dreaded resolution time. The weeks before and after the new year where we all pretend to have really high standards, let ourselves down and have to punish ourselves later with another holiday, aka Lent.
Vicious cycle.
This year I plan to not let the boundaries of my personal means prevent me from my objectives. I want to double my business. I want to help improve my community. I want to give of what time and resources I have to those in need--mainly puppies. I want to help all the puppies. Maybe some babies. No adults, really, they're hopeless.
This year, I want to say what I mean and know when to speak up and when to let my actions do the talking.
I want to be the person you come to for the truth, even or especially when it hurts. Not because I enjoy hurting people, but because lies and ignorance are way more dangerous.
Never someone with all the answers, but unafraid to ask questions.
I want to solve problems with more communication not less.
Over each of he last two years, I've adopted a different phrase.
2012 was the year I decided to finally Get Paid.
2013 I subscribed to Be Unafraid.
In 2014, I want to practice Believe What I Said.
Basically, to under promise and over deliver, but not by saying less--by doing more. Time to just practice, not preach. 

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  1. Replies
    1. I only see 2 comments. I need to get my journal for next year! Want my list? I'll put it up while I'm on the road this next week!

  2. Oh, I'll guess "no."
    Where is your list? We should talk about our lists before year-end this year! Let me know when you're ready! I'll be a few journal is on it's way here in the mail (coming from Amazon).


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What I'm Reading

  • Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm
  • Disrupted by Dan Lyons
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill


All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. - Mark Twain