Desk redemption

9:15 PM

It's a self-proclaimed fact that I decent taste. For the most part.
However, when it comes to choosing a desk, my track record is shoddy--plain embarrassing really. You'd think, as a writer, I'd be rather particular. Problem is, I fall faster for a desk than a school girl for Mr. Turner from Boy Meets World. With no evaluation whatsoever, I've consistently picked my last three desks haphazardly, completely based on my mood in the moment I was looking, or in some cases not looking, for a new writing surface.

And so it goes, I have ended up with this 90s contemporary glass and metal concoction with no storage whatsoever. I'm sure my genius train of thought was something like: "ooh, I can write to-do lists on the surface like it's a dry erase board." Because I don't have enough places to put my incessant to-do lists. Riiiight. At least it was free. This desk was tucked in storage at an Antique Mall in the downtown where I work, and they were dying to get rid of it. I am such a Sucker.

As part of the office/dressing room makeover, I wanted to add some functionality to my work surface, since I won't be buying a new desk anytime soon. Fortunately, Office Depot had sale on desktop organizers, so I picked up two magazine files and two mail trays for a total of $12. The price overruled that they are girlier than my taste.

Then I pulled some items I already owned--a trio jewelry dish for binder clips/push pins/etc., a business card holder that one of our friend's made from a melted wine bottle (a gift from Davis' mom), and photo frame coasters given to me by my bestie Robyn. She filled the set with unforgettable, sometimes regrettable moments from college. Love her.

After taking a close look at these photos, I may have answered my own question of whether or not to paint white concrete walls in the office or just the wood paneling. Bless the 70s. I'm pretty sure that's when this place was last renovated.

Speaking of paint, I discovered a neat app to help with color selection. Colorsnap by Sherwin Williams lets you take photos of colors around you and matches them to a similar shade carried by Sherwin Williams. It's available for iPhone and Blackberry. I'm now leaning toward Peacock Plume: 

I want to post a pic of the whole office, all clean, but I'm going to have to wait until I get the chest I purchased today all set up. That will make a world of difference toward stowing the mountains of clothes that fall out of my closet at the most inconvenient times, like when I'm running five minutes behind on my way to a meeting. No more closet avalanches! 

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  • Unbecoming by Rebecca Scherm
  • Disrupted by Dan Lyons
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill


All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure. - Mark Twain